Category Archives: media

Trudeau teaches the netroots a thing or two

War Dispatches to ‘Doonesbury’

In this article we discover that a man with a vision and the willingness to work for it can change a lot of lives.  Now…where are the netroots people that are willing to work?

Displacement Neglect

The Displacement of Iraqi Citizens

This is a story which has been making the rounds on the blogs for some time now but has seen little if no play on the Corporate Media. Today McClatchy Newspapers released an important piece regarding the US complicity in this tragedy called U.S. accused of ignoring crisis for 4.5 million displaced Iraqis.

This will serve as a good test. The concept is to follow this story and see just how long it will take for the displacement of millions of human beings courtesy of American folly to actually make it into the mainstream news stories, interviews, or in depth series.

Synchronize watches….begin.

Media Matters is Hiring

Yes, of course I know how to use Photoshop.


Why News Drop?


Important stories are being ignored everyday by the Corporate Media.  News Drop is one way to right this ongoing wrong.  You may say to yourself, aren’t there other blogs out there doing the same thing?  Yes, a few, but given the amount of news that isn’t carried we feel there will be plenty of opportunities for us to serve as a public service for a few brave citizens willing to travel off the beaten path.

The main service we hope to provide is  the Monday Morning News Drop,  you the reader will play a vital role in this via bringing your own important stories in on Monday for discussion and action.  What sets this site apart from other netroots sites?  Our goal here is to serve as a tool for other netroots sites to use.  They’ll be able to check in and find easily referenced articles from the back pages of last weeks papers along with some extra background information which may have been left out of the original story.

Thank you for visiting, allow us a few days to build the site up.